Quraan saar online

Waxan wllada aan ka caawinayna QUraanka inaan saarno ayago jooga guriyahooda , waxyaalaha aan ka daaweyno wllaha aya waxa kamid ah :-
1: Isha 2: Xaasidka 3: Caashaqa Isha ku yimada 4: Sixirka 5: Jinka 6: Jacaylka isku badala isha iyo qaab kale oo inta ka badan oo dadka lagu dhibateyo Hadaba anago ah bahda Muasasada Alfaz charitible Memory Holy Quran waxan idin la diyaar nahay daawo rasma ah oo waxtarna leh sida ugu fududna istacmalkeduna aad wax u tarayso
Qaybtaan waxan idin kugu so gudbinayna sida uu ukala baxayo sixirka iyo isha :-Forms of magic and its colors. 3 most dangerous species, the most dangerous of which is black. 10 ways for charlatans in their inferior works. Magic candles to bring the beloved and bride to hurt. And the inverted letters of the Qur'an to fulfill the desires of witches. the goat to break up the couples and win , If you are a football fan, and your team has suffered repeated defeats and negative results, you or one of your favorite team fans must be blamed for the acts of magic, to get the club's march and stop achievements, as African stadiums are famous for such acts, and many people complain about the acts of witchcraft, and many blame the many cases of violence, divorce and unemployment on those lower acts, some believe that these events can break the laws of physics in some cases, and there is often confusion between witchcraft and sorcery and sorcery.
Magic still plays an important role in many ethnic groups, and even among civilized peoples, we find for magic many followers with an interest in such topics as learning astrology and sorcery, and still some developed societies still trust in traditions such as reading horoscopes and astrology, and despite the fight against a number of governments, but the works of witches and charlatans find a wide audience.
The magic has been mentioned in the Qur'an in more than one place, including the saying: "And he said, "I have been told by all the magic of a world view, when the tourists come." The time they said they'd been hurt, they didn't meet. You've come to him to be a savoic, that God will let him down. He is the one who is right to be able to speak his own, and to hate him."
The magic is a fact, but some of it is imaginary and it is not true, as was done by the witches in what they did from the imagination with ropes and sticks, and some of it falls influentially as we mentioned in The Cow, that the witches learn from them, the two kings: they are not divided between the bitter and married [the cow] 102: And that's why He said, "This indicates that there may be harm and there may be a distinction between a man and his wife, but many people may fancy this." The thing is, they think it's magic, not magic, but illusions and whispers.
Magic Sections

The magic is divided into three sections, the first is the magic of imagination, which is that the magician is baptized to the imaginary force, in which he behaves with a kind of behavior and throws in some kind of imagination, and falls under real and imaginary magic: 1- Magic air: magic is exposed to the air flow whenever the wind passes the effect of increased magic, 2- magic water: throws magic in the seas, rivers, wells and in the streams, 3 magic nari : Magic is placed in or near fire stoves such as tannoor or oven, 4- Earthy magic: buried in the dirt such as cemeteries, roads and houses.
The second is magic, and this type of magic is the most widely circulated and harmful and has an impact on the enchanted in his mind, body and heart, and this kind of magic is a phrase of paper motifs and satanic talismans, and the third is figurative magic, and this kind of magic is based on tricks Chemical, lightness of hand, camouflage, deception and lying to the weak minds, he is known in our time as a witch and a dissonance, and he called it a metaphor for his participation in the linguistic meaning of magic, which is hidden cause distasted and the kindness of his take and accuracy and the course of camouflage and deception.

The practice of magic contains the use of words, deeds and special things, and the price is practiced using phrases that are launched when performing magic and performs a lot of movements to highlight the desired effect of magic, and includes tools of magic work, plants, stones and other things, presumably carrying extraordinary powers, any of these tools called magic inspection.

According to different societies, the forms and types of magic are widespread and the most famous in Egypt:
Sherz wrapped in enchanted or enchanted hair:-
According to the website of "Al-Aluka", this magic is a paper necklace and amulets, including blocking, fumes and fumes, some of which are placed in the crossroads or thrown into the sea or buried in graves or buried in the ruined houses and houses will come on them one.


It is a piece of paper, a cloth, a piece of leather or a piece of metal written on it, some talismans, symbols, letters, numbers, squares, circles, unknown words, devils and something of the Qur'an, damaged by a piece of skin or kept in a piece of metal or sewn in a piece of cloth or wrapped in a plastic sticker, if such works are found, they take and cut with a sharp object with puffs on them during the pieces and then if you extract them, you will remove them. A pot then dissolves the writing with water with puffs on the water and then pours water and in this way de-magically, as the aforementioned website explains.

Bride's Magic

The Magic of Candles

According to the page of the upscale Moroccan Abou Yassin, on the social networking site ""Facebook", the magic of candles is one of the most dangerous types of inferior magic carried out by witches in accordance with the demands of some women, and belongs to the charms of agitating, bringing, loving and shed, which causes many diseases of the seas, which amount to bleeding and death, other than taking it to the enchanted mind and turning it into a slave to the one who charmed it.
This magic is the fastest in execution and takes only a few hours and a maximum of three days to be required, and uses this magic in 95% of cases to bring the man sexually, and its effect on him is severe where his mind is completely abolished and becomes a prisoner of the Requesting.
The way the characters are cut to the Book of God

This method is based on the writing of a wall and verses from the Book of Allah almighty cut, and once the writing of the surah or verse is finished the magician begins to recite the infidel resolve containing the various talismans in close proximity to those malicious spirits that accelerate to fulfill his wishes and fulfill his demands.
The method of tanking:-
This method is based on the writing of a wall or verses from the Book of Allah almighty, which is reversed, and he writes the surah or verse from the end to the beginning, and then begins to recite the entrapment of certain talismans in close proximity to the devil and his followers, obeying his command and fulfilling his wishes.

According to the Book of the World of Jinn, its secrets and mysteries: (Man, who is stowed by the magic of the soul, writes the word of God with impureness, and may turn the letters (say Allah is one), or read (Sura Yissan) upside down, or otherwise satisfied by satan.

If they say or write what the devils are satisfied with, they help them with some of their purposes, such as: water is wasted from water, or it is carried in the air to certain places, or it brings it with money from some people, or it will harm someone who is hostile to it."
The magic of impurity

According to a Moroccan blog interested in witchcraft, this method relies on writing a wall or verses from the Book of Allah almighty with the blood of menstruation, sautés, urine and so on, and then begins to recite the motifs that contain talismans that bring them closer to satan and his collaborators, and he brings malicious spirits to that character and obey him and obey him as he wants.
Ibn Timieh said in his book "The statement set out in the news of the jinn and the devils: "This is why many of these things are written in which they write the word of God in impureness, and they may write the letters of the Word of God - Almighty - either the letters of the conqueror, or the letters say god is one, or otherwise, with a sin of either blood, others, or without impureness, or they write otherwise that the devil accepts, or they speak so, and if they say or write what they accept, they will help them on some of their purposes."
Magic Drink

Magic is the type that enters the abdomen, and from it to the blood where he goes to the place to be hit, and this kind of magic is by eating or drinking, and of the marks of magic eaten and drink blackness of the face, especially at the time of sophistication, if the magic is emptied shone its color and enlightened his face, and complains enchanted with eating and drink with pain in the lower back in the area of disability and the bacillus, perhaps because of the magic in the rectum (colon).
Sprayed magic

He knows the magic of the spray, which is one of the types of magic carried out by the evil witches, and is one of the easy magic that can be carried out in the right enchanted after stepping and stepping the person, and the target of magic, who follows the magician to reach the enchanted, who without knowing to set foot on the material magic that may be powder or dust or liquid material such as water sprayed in the place where the enchanted get used to walk, after the magician decides on him from the evil set of the magic to bring this magic servant to bring this magic servant Kind of magic.

Animal Magic
Since ancient times a large number of animals are used in the works of black magic and sorcery, the pharaohs used cats in magic, they were smothered and buried with the bodies of the dead to protect them from evil spirits, while dogs are one of the most important animals used in black magic especially dogs, and used by witches in fetching, and the eye of the dead dog for revenge!.

The magic of goats is one of the strongest types of magic, used for the purpose of binding and dispersing husbands and black goat hair in a talisman to prevent the girl from marrying, as it is one of the most common types of magic in African stadiums, where it is used by a number of African teams to win, and goats in general are among the most common animals in red magic.