Our Featured Courses

Our core work consists of teaching courses with contemporary and dynamic ways. The methods, procedures and processes we offer in teaching these courses help the students to learn, grow and be self-sufficient in reading Quran in future In-Shaa-Allah. Learn the Holy Quran online with Tajweed and Tarteel courses. Learn to read, understand, learn how to recite, memorize in online classes; lessons for kids, adults, female with live tutors over the Skype : alfurqankarim & https://hello.freeconference.com/conf/call/4100927 zoom Al-ahfath Quran Online is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Al-ahfath Quran Online's Personal Meeting Room

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 303 845 2558

The featured courses outline are as follow:

*Quran Foundation (Qaida)
*Read Quran with Tajweed
*Learn Noorani Qaida
*Online Quran Memorization
*Quran For Beginners
*Islamic Studies for Kids
*Learn Ten Qirat Online
*Online Ijazah Course
*Pillars of Islam and Belief System (Aqeedah)
*Daily Islamic Supplications (Duain)
In most cases, the students and their parents cannot judge the quality of a teacher, so we are offering a quality assurance service, which enables you to have full support of Al-ahfaz Quraan to learn Quran online with perfect manner.